Who we are

DreamsIT, improving processes and quality of life

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Increase the results of your business

We transform dreams into technological innovations to launch software solutions to the market, capable of generating competitive advantages and optimizing processes, which allow our customers to differentiate themselves from the rest and increase their business results.


To be one of the main service software provider in Latin America, contributing to the development, modernization, growth and quality of life in the area.

Value Proposition

Software services tailored, with specific knowledge incorporated, under cloud and mobile mode.

DreamsIT, improving processes and quality of life

In 2009, Manuel Valenzuela V, a Civil Engineer from the University of Talca, Chile graduated with a clear conviction that technology and computer science can help the modernization of the world, and started working with one purpose in mind: to start a company with a vision and international mentality, where the contributions of Chilean software developments, were to be exported and recognized worldwide.
We worked with the willpower and the abilities of high-impact entrepreneurs and mentors related to both business development and software.
During this period the I+D+I department was created, and the Microsoft Gold Partner certification in Application Development was achieved, with the incorporation of most of the professionals from the University of Talca and other house of studies.
In this phase we participated in the Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness in Latin America “ECLA” program, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, to understand the elements of competitiveness that the undertaking would have in Latin America.
The first part of our vision was materialized in 2014, when the company DreamsIT was founded and the promotion and sale phase of its first products in the industrial and medical area began, together with new developments in accordance with a mission, vision and value proposal clearly defined, as well as the organizational values that give the seal to DreamsIT.